Scheduling your appointment (Medicare Recipients)
1. Please call 703-597-4804, follow the prompts and leave your name, and telephone number if you reach the phone’s voice messaging system OR Click the secure patient portal link, register and request an appointment. You will receive a same day response.
2. Once your appointment has been confirmed, there are two ways to complete a few forms which will help with your appointment. You could either Download and complete the following forms located in the ‘Forms’ section of this website New Patient Intake Form, Demographics Form, HIPPA Compliance Patient Consent Form, Patient Financial, Rescheduling Policy and Patient Consent to Treatment Form.
3. Please read the message below explaining Direct Pay Practice, and the Fee schedules for various visits.
4. You will receive an appointment reminder message prior to your appointment day.
Understanding what having a Direct Pay Physician means, and why this is the right model for you:
Dr. John’s Best Health is a Direct Pay practice, what this means, is that you pay your physician directly for the time spent in ensuring you get the best care possible. The ‘middle-man’ which in this case is the insurance company, is not put in the driver’s seat, rather your physician can take the necessary time to speak with you, understand the factor/factors causing your health problem, communicate with your specialists when appropriate, and formulate a treatment plan specific to your needs.
If you, or your loved one, have recently been discharged from an acute or sub-acute rehabilitation setting, it would be beneficial to have an evaluation. You could have an evaluation pending getting an appointment to see your regular Primary Care Physician, or, you could have an evaluation to help determine risk factors that may increase your chances of getting admitted into the hospital
1. Medicare recipients; On your visit, Medicare asks that you sign the Medicare Private Contract, which assures Medicare that they will not be contacted for reimbursement. You can, and are encouraged, to submit your itemised bill to any supplemental insurance carriers you may have.
2. Although Dr. John does not participate with Medicare, in the event of an emergency or urgent visit to the practice, Medicare will cover for services rendered by your physician.
3. Dr. John has an NPI number, and any lab/radiological tests, consultations or medications ordered, are covered by your regular insurance plan/plans.