Welcome to Dr. John’s Best Health!

Pain is a symptom and not a disease in itself. I believe in finding the root cause of pain, and when possible, eliminating it by employing the most natural and least invasive means possible. Regenerative Medicine Techniques (healing damaged tissue using the body’s own natural healing cells via Platelet Rich Plasma); managing Auto-immune diseases; Correcting biomechanical imbalances, and custom exercise programs, are major components of my practice.
My practice offers Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for both Orthopedic and Aesthetic needs, using an FDA cleared device. PRP injections use the body’s own healing and regenerative cells to heal itself. PRP can be used to treat orthopedic conditions such as arthritis, and tendonitis. It can also treat hair loss due to a variety of causes.
Microneedling procedures (the use of very tiny needles to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism), using the first FDA cleared microneedling device, is offered to treat conditions such as hyperpigmentation and skin wrinkling.
I offer non-narcotic based pain management (no narcotics are prescribed). Medical Cannabis Certification is offered at my practice. for qualifying individuals suffering from conditions which necessitate amongst other things, pain control, anti-inflammation, nausea relief, and anti-spasticity, it can be an effective medication when used as directed.
Low Dose Naltrexone commonly known as LDN, is offered for multiple conditions such as chronic pain, fatigue, auto-immune disease and several other inflammtory conditions.
Weekend hours and Telemedicine appointments are available, making your appointment scheduling easier.
With the emergence of the Coronavirus Pandemic, I am interested in assisting people (Long Haulers) who continue to have symptoms such as fatigue, decreased concentration, muscle and nerve pain, weeks after recovering from the acute stage of COVID-19, and currently testing negative for COVID-19. This persistence of symptoms is currently being called Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC).